Year 6 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year Six

We hope that the children have a fantastic last year with us at Parklands Community Primary where life-long memories will be made. Our aim is for children to reach their full potential in a fun and engaging way while developing their independence and organisational skills. We expect children to be motivated and responsible for their learning so that they can challenge themselves and build resilience and confidence in their own abilities.

Miss Davis teaches Year 6 everyday and Miss Yarranton is our incredible teaching assistant who helps us every day with our learning.

This is an important year for our children. Not only is it their last year of primary school before moving onto secondary, but they will also be formally assessed during the summer term in reading, writing and maths through end of key stage tests and assessments. Parental support is really beneficial to help your child meet their full potential and keeping in touch with you is important to us. We ask that you support us by ensuring that all homework is completed and that children have good attendance throughout their time in Year Six. If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

What I can do to help my child:

  • Encourage reading every day
  • Read stories together at home
  • Practise spellings
  • Check homework is completed
  • Access ‘TT Rockstars'
  • Use ‘Class Dojo’ and ‘Google Classroom’
  • Talk about their learning and ask questions


Important information:

  • P.E. kit needs to be worn to school on a Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Homework will be set on Google Classrooms every Friday and is due the following Thursday. It is essential that children have access to the internet - please talk to us if this is an issue.
  • Children will be given spellings and times tables to practise and learn.
  • Reading books should be in school every day.

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