Early Years Foundation Stage
(Reception & Nursery)
Our Vision for Foundation Stage at Parklands
At Parklands we give our youngest children a great start to their education. Through careful and expert nurturing our children develop an enthusiasm for learning. Every day, we help children to develop their self-esteem by making them feel valued so that they believe in themselves in a way they might never have thought possible.
The Early Years curriculum intent is firmly rooted in our school desire to give all children strong foundations from which they may become successful, independent learners for life and is centred around our school values of independence, co-operation, respect, responsibility, resilience and ambition.
Foundation Stage
The Foundation Stage consists of the Nursery Class and the Reception class. We plan all learning against the Development Matters and provide exciting learning experiences which link to each child’s unique need.
We pride ourselves in observing and identifying each child’s accurate Next Step in each area of learning. These Next Steps form the basis of our daily plans and are regularly shared with parents.
Each Half Term we hold parent workshops. This is a time to celebrate learning and to share learning tips and any magic moments which have taken place at home.
The activities we provide are rich and fully engage the children as they are based around the children’s current interests. We also believe it is very important to provide stimulating environments both at school and through the use of planned visits or visitors to the school which reflect the current focus.
When it is time for the children to move into the Year 1 class spend quality time on transition. In turn both the adults and children are more than prepared to move into the next Key Stage.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage Policy provides lots of information about our intent, implementation and impact.